Dustcon Solutions | Resources

Ensuring Safety From Dust Hazards

Written by Dustcon Solution | Mar 12, 2022 8:09:01 PM
The NEP refers to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards as the standards to consult for hazard recognition and abatement methods. Dust explosions continue to be a hazard that is often overlooked that can result catastrophic consequences.
An average of 5 fatalities and 29 injuries occur each year as a result from combustible dust incidents according the Chemical Safety Board study on combustible dust.
These events occur in various industries including: 
•Food processing
• Wood products
• Chemical manufacturing
• Grain and seed
• Paper products
• Metal processing
• Pharmaceuticals
• Tire and rubber manufacturing
• Wastewater treatment
• Recycling operations
• Coal handling
• Biomass processing


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