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Ensuring Safety From Dust Hazards

The OSHA NEP program was reissued in
2008 following the Imperial Sugar dust
explosion in Savannah, Georgia.
The NEP refers to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards as the standards to consult for hazard recognition and abatement methods. Dust explosions continue to be a hazard that is often overlooked that can result catastrophic consequences.
An average of 5 fatalities and 29 injuries occur each year as a result from combustible dust incidents according the Chemical Safety Board study on combustible dust.
These events occur in various industries including: 
•Food processing
• Wood products
• Chemical manufacturing
• Grain and seed
• Paper products
• Metal processing
• Pharmaceuticals
• Tire and rubber manufacturing
• Wastewater treatment
• Recycling operations
• Coal handling
• Biomass processing